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Radiation Technologies Program took part in the exhibition « Zdravookhraneniye 2012»

JSC Isotop and United Corporation for Innovations , enterprises of Radiation Technologies Program, took part in the exhibition. They presented complex decisions in the field of nuclear medicine, medical products sterilization, waste recovery on the joint stand. Guests had an excellent opportunity to learn more about up-to-date equipment for diagnosis of heart deseases and cancer at their first stages.

50 business meetings with potential clients were held. Among them were representatives from as state as private diagnostic centers. Systems for intracavitary gamma-therapy - AGAT-VT were payed the greatest attention to. Delegates from Turkmenistan and Rostov-on-Don were interested in technics purchase.

Opportunities on possible supplies of medical equipment to Vladikavkaz, Tambov, Sarov, Chelyabinsk, Irkutsk, Stavropol and other cities were discussed. More than 10 requests for sterilization and waste recovery were worked on. On the whole this exhibition was a great stimulus for further promotion of State Corporation Rosatom production and for the development of Russian nuclear medicine.


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