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OECD High Level Group Discusses Prompt Supplies of Mo-99

In late January Paris hosted the first meeting of the third mandate of the OECD High Level Group on the Security of Supply of Medical Radioisotopes, especially Molybdenum-99 (Mo-99). The Russian delegation consisted of Deputy General Director of JSC Rusatom Overseas Marina Nefedova and First Deputy General Director of JSC Isotope Alexey Vakulenko. Both of them represented the interests of ROSATOM State Corporation.

During the meeting the Russian delegates presented a report on the current state of radioisotope Mo-99 and Tc-99m generators' production at ROSATOM enterprises, in particular, at JSC "SSC RIAR" and JSC "Karpov IPC". Today both companies are actively working on implementing the project of their Mo-99 production (HEU) conversion. The project is planned to be finished in 2016 but the first lot of Molybdenum-99 (LEU) will be produced in Karpov IPC already in 2014.

The report made by the Russian side was well accepted by the meeting's participants. Russia is one of the few countries with several companies producing Mo-99. It allows Russia to ensure a high level of security of radioisotope supplies. Due to frequent shutdowns of the reactors producing Molybdenum-99 reliability became one of the key factors when choosing a supplier. Thus, Russia's capacity as a reliable supplier of Mo-99 to the world market poses a great interest for other states.

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