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Russia and Japan Develop Cooperation on Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy

The prospects of joint work were discussed during a series of talks between Rosatom State Corporation delegation and the representatives of Japanese isotope market held in Tokyo in April.

Cooperation on peaceful use of atomic energy traditionally plays a great role in development of external economic ties between Russia and Japan. The products of Russian atomic industry, including isotope products, are actively supplied to Japan.

It is necessary to highlight that Rosatom isotope complex is considered to be the largest in the world. Its enterprises manufacture a wide variety of products for medical, industrial and scientific use. Moreover, Rosatom is a unique producer of isotope products with no competitors in the world.

Nevertheless, until now the turnover between Japanese companies and Rosatom isotope enterprises has been minimal. First of all, it is because Japan works with foreign dealers. The scheme of Russian isotope products distribution is not fully clear to Japanese companies, because they have poor understanding of Rosatom corporate structure.

To solve this problem the representatives of Japanese radioisotope association (JRIA), Nihon Medi Physics, Fujifilm RI Pharma, e-Energy, Marubeni corp. and Chiyoda corp. had a series of meetings with Rosatom delegation that included the representatives of Rosatom top-management and subsidiary companies - JS Rusatom Overseas, JSC Isotope, SC Science and Innovations, SC Karpov IPC and SC SSC RIAR.

The meeting resulted in the development of direct cooperation between key participants of Japanese isotope market and Rosatom State Corporation. The Japanese party was confirmed that Rosatom is a reliable supplier of isotope products to the international market. JSC Isotope was introduced as an official representative of Rosatom isotope complex. Thus, the sides managed to start substantive talks about supplies of Russian products to Japanese companies.

The Japanese isotope market is one of the biggest in the world. For example, the volume of Mo-99 consumption in Japan (11% of the global market) is the second largest in the world after the USA. Russia, in its turn, has significant Mo-99 production capacities. Moly-99 is the most important radioisotope in nuclear medicine as it is used in 80% of diagnostic procedures.

There are two Mo-99 producers within Rosatom: RIAR and Karpov IPC that on the whole have 3 nuclear reactors. It allows minimizing risks of unplanned reactor outage and supply shortages of this vital radioisotope. Due to risk diversification Rosatom managed to reach the highest reliability level in the sphere of Mo-99 production.

On the whole the Russian party made a point that it is interested in direct and constructive dialogue about supplies of Rosatom isotope products and first of all Mo-99. Positive agreements in this sphere gave a new impetus to the development of Russian-Japanese cooperation and allowed intensifying bilateral economic relations.

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