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Rosatom Visits Italian Underground Laboratory

The delegation of Rosatom State Corporation enterprises visited Italian underground laboratory Gran Sasso where scientists from all over the world study nuclear and astroparticle physics. During the visit, organized with the support of National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), a representative of JSC Isotope held a workshop on stable isotopes production and crystal growing. Scientists take a profound interest in crystals grown from stable isotopes as they need them for fundamental experiments.

Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) is one of the biggest in the world. It is situated deeply underground 120 km away from Rome. 750 scientists from 24 countries are currently working in Gran Sasso on such problems as double beta-decay study and search for dark matter. To conduct experiments in these fields more effectively the scientists united in collaborations such as BOREXINO, CUORE, GERDA, LVD, OPERA, XENON, etc.

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During its visit to Gran Sasso the Russian delegation had a chance to see industrial units where international collaborations conduct their experiments with the help of highly precise detectors. These detectors work with crystals grown from stable isotopes with high chemical purity. Due to technological capacities of Rosatom State Corporation, JSC Isotope has been successfully cooperating with international collaborations and supplying them with stable isotopes that meet all requirements.

At a special workshop JSC Isotope representative told scientists about technological aspects of stable isotopes production within Rosatom isotope complex and possibilities of product line extension. Workshop participants confirmed willingness to develop further cooperation with the Russian party in the field of stable isotopes production and supplies.

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