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Rosatom Develops Cooperation with International Scientific Collaborations

In September the Italian city of Torino hosted the 14th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP). Among conference participants were representatives of leading scientific collaborations and companies that supply them with all necessary products to conduct experiments. Rosatom State Corporation was represented by JSC Isotope and SC "PA "Electrochemical Plant".

TAUP conference is held every two years. It is the key forum where scientists meet to discuss recent experimental and theoretical developments in astroparticle physics. Topics covered at TAUP include cosmology and particle physics, dark matter and its detection, neutrino physics and astrophysics, gravitational waves, high-energy astrophysics and cosmic rays. To study these fundamental issues scientists from different countries unite in collaborations such as SuperNemo, Amore, Lucifer, Gerda, Majorana, etc. During TAUP scientists get an opportunity to discuss results of their experiments, find out about new achievements of their colleagues and evolve a plan of further joint work.

To conduct experiments scientists need highly precise detectors with scintillation crystals grown from enriched stable isotopes. These stable isotopes should have high chemical purity. Due to technological capacities of Rosatom State Corporation, JSC Isotope has been successfully cooperating with international collaborations and supplying them with stable isotopes that meet all requirements.

During TAUP JSC Isotope specialist met with collaborations' representatives to discuss current projects and opportunities to develop cooperation. One of the most important meetings was a meeting with Amore representatives, who expressed an interest in supplies of stable isotope Mo-100 produced by SC "PA "Electrochemical Plant". In the near future the sides plan to agree contract terms and delivery time for this product.

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