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Rosatom facility gains record revenues from stable isotopes sales

In 2020, revenue from sales of stable isotopes manufactured by Electrochemical Plant JSC (an enterprise of ROSATOM's TVEL Fuel Company in Zelenogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region) increased by 14% year on year, exceeding 1.5 billion rubles for the first time (average weighted exchange rate for 2020 was 72.14 RUB for 1 USD).

Electrochemical Plant is Rosatom's major producer of stable isotopes. Its global market share remains over 40%. This enterprise has all the competencies in producing 110 isotopes of 21 chemical elements. Isotope products manufactured at the Zelenogorsk plant are extensively used in high-tech domains including nuclear power, medicine, electronics, scientific research in General Chemistry, Physics, Biotechnology, Meteorology, Agricultural Chemistry, etc.

Sales geography for isotope products outside Russia covers Germany, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, the USA, Uzbekistan, France, Sweden, South Korea, among others. Most of the export contracts are consummated through Isotope JSC - ROSATOM's sectoral integrator in isotopes sales and marketing.

"Despite the challenges arising from the global pandemic, together with our colleagues from Isotope JSC, we have met all undertaken contractual commitments, undeterred by the fact that isotope products have historically been supplied under a complex advanced production and supply chain," said Sergey Karaulov, Deputy Director General for Non-nuclear Businesses Development of Electrochemical Plant JSC.

One of the most marketable products in the company's portfolio, Molybdenum-100 is applied both in scientific research and the radiopharmaceutical production chain. In 2020, the powdered Molybdenum-100 was supplied to new overseas projects which develop the cyclotron technology to produce radioisotopes for medical applications.

"Isotope products of Electrochemical Plant are highly marketable globally. In pursuing this business, exclusive competencies in the production of isotopes of high purity are applied, while targets are set not only to supply these unique materials to the customer but also to manufacture in-house products of higher added value. This refers to such projects as production of cyclotron targets from Molybdenum-100 for nuclear medicine purposes, production of breathing tests with Carbon-13 for medical diagnostics of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the manufacturing of ‘nuclear batteries' based on Nickel-63 radioisotope" - commented Yuri Kudryavtsev, Senior Vice President for New Businesses Development at TVEL JSC.

General information:

Electrochemical Plant JSC (located in Zelenogorsk) produces low-enriched uranium for NPP fuel assemblies, stable and radioactive isotopes of various chemical elements, and offers other advanced technology products. It is part of TVEL Fuel Company of ROSATOM State Corporation. www.ecp.ru

TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom (Fuel Division of Rosatom State Corporation) includes facilities for nuclear fuel fabrication, uranium conversion and enrichment, gas centrifuges manufacturing, as well as research and development enterprises. Being the sole supplier of the Russian nuclear power plants, TVEL provides fuel for 75 power reactors in 15 countries in total, research reactors in nine countries, as well as reactors of the Russian nuclear vessels fleet. Every sixth commercial reactor in the world runs on TVEL fuel. The Fuel Division of Rosatom is the world's largest producer of enriched uranium.

The Fuel Division is dynamically developing new businesses in the field of chemistry, metallurgy, energy storage, additive manufacturing, digital solutions, as well as decommissioning of nuclear facilities. TVEL's corporate structure also includes the Rosatom's integrator companies for development of additive technologies and energy storage systems. http://www.tvel.ru

Isotope JSC is the official supplier of the products manufactured by ROSATOM's Isotope Complex to the international market and a key supplier to the Russian market. The company was founded in 1958. Current partners of Isotope JSC include more than 100 foreign companies from 50 countries around the world and about 600 organizations within Russia, inclusive of hospitals, industrial facilities and scientific institutions. www.isotop.ru


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