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Rusatom Healthcare JSC at the Dubai EXPO

Rusatom Healthcare JSC is part of the Russian pavilion at the Dubai EXPO where they organised a discussion on "non energy applications of nuclear technology for addressing global challenges".

The discussion was held yesterday, 18 January and centred around three key issues:


  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Radiation Sterilisation
  • Non Energy Applications

The iia and IAEA contributed to the discussion about Radiation Sterilisation. It was noted that the demand for sterilisation capacity is outstripping supply from gamma irradiation using Cobalt 60 and that the demand/supply imbalance is creating growing interest in accelerator technology that uses electricity as the power source. Accelerators that have high energy electron beam and/or x-ray capability are being installed.


The discussion also considered the challenges that Covid 19 has created. It was noted that the installation of new capacity is heavily dependent on international commercial relationships and the ability of installation and commissioning teams to be able to travel predictably and easily between countries and regions within countries.

Isotope JSC (part of Rusatom Healthcare JSC group) is a member of iiA and one of the global suppliers of Cobalt-60 to the international market.

If you want to watch session on YouTube, please click here


Source: International Irradiation Association - https://iiaglobal.com/iia-news/rosatom-at-the-dubai-expo/


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