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Press tour to the Research Institute of Atomic Reactors

Dear colleagues!

161866.jpgFor providing you with necessary press materials on the 7th ICI Rosatom State Corporation is organizing a press tour to the State Research Institute of Atomic Reactors in Dimitrovgrad. The tour will start on the 1st of September and end on the 2nd of September. An excursion will be organized during which photos and videos can be taken.

The Research Institute of Atomic Reactors was established in 1956 upon an initiative of I. Kurchatov for engineering and scientific research in the field of atomic energy. In 2008 the Institute was reformed into the State Science Centre - Research Institute of Atomic Reactors plc and was included into Atomenergoprom plc with a 100% state capital. Nowadays the Research Institute of Atomic Reactors is the largest research institute of civil atomic energy in Russia. More information can be found on www.niiar.ru

We are ready to help with the organization of interviews with the organizers of the conference and with the experts of the industry both before and during the Conference.

ICI Press Centre


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