Предприятие Госкорпорации «Росатом»
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Round table discussion on radiation technology completed its work in Seoul

Round table discussion on radiation technology completed its work in Seoul (Republic of Korea) on July 2, 2012.

State Corporation "Rosatom" has organized the event. The round table gathered together representatives from leading Russian and Korean companies operating in the market of production and supply of isotope products, equipment, radiation technologies development. More than 60 companies from the Korean side attended the workshop.

The main purpose of the event was to inform existing and potential customers in East Asia on the competence and potential of the Radiation Technologies unit State Corporation "Rosatom". Key Russian companies - the market participants presented their products, services and developments in the field of proton therapy, supplies of medical equipment for health centers and other industries, where radiation technologies are applied. The workshop was attended by representatives from such Rosatom companies as "United Corporation for Innovations", Karpov's RPCI, the Russian Federal Nuclear Center "VNIIEF", FSUE PA "Mayak", JSC Isotope and others.

According to the director of the "Radiation Technology Program" Mikhail Batkov, Rosatom primarily is actively developing cooperation with Korean companies. Such seminars allow to engage in this cooperation new partners and clients from the Korean side, eliminate the information gap that exists today about the possibilities of the State Corporation "Rosatom" in the non-energy sector and contribute to the conclusion of new trade agreements between Russian and Korean companies. We hope that today's dialogue will allow us to adapt products and services offered by the South Korean market, in order to satisfy more fully the needs of existing and potential customers. "

The visit program of the Russian delegation implies negotiations in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Korea Republic, a visit to the Korean Research Institute of Radiology and Medicine, Korea Research Institute of Nuclear Energy.

Press Service, "Atomexpo"

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