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The best employees of JSC Isotope were determined

A competition for the best employee was held by JSC Isotope on the 1st quarter of 2012. 7 experts were selected, the winners in seven categories, such as "Best sales dynamics," "external customer satisfaction", "Internal Customer Satisfaction", "Best Mentor", "Best Initiative", "Best Employee on the Base 'and' best-LIN manager ". Prizewinners became diplomas and gift certificates owners. After the award ceremony all the participants got the opportunity to chat informally with the director of the Program Radiation Technologies M.A.Batkov and the general director of JSC Isotope M.Y.Lavrentiev and to discuss company's current issues.

Jurors consider the professional and personal qualities of employees, their achievements, experiences, recognition by clients, partners, colleagues and management.

«We are proud of our employees, and we congratulate the winners, - said the General Director of JSC Isotope Mikhail Lavrentiev. - These people are special, active, open to new experience. This position is the determining factor for the development of not only JSC Isotope, but also of the entire industry».


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