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Commissioning of the second Mo-99 production line in RIAR will begin in the end of June

Initial commissioning works on the second stage of molybdenum-99 production was planned in Dimitrovgrad for the end of June. On the 4th of June Acting General Director of JSC Isotope Mikhael Lavrentiev in the international forum" ATOMEXPO-2012 "in Moscow said that the company will reach the increase in the volume of isotope use this year. According to M. Lavrentiev, as the share of the Russian market in relation to the world level is small, the new production will be export-oriented. "It is important to take a significant share of the market, whether it will be medical or industrial isotopes," - he stressed. Currently, one of the main challenges is the certification of Mo-99, which will be carried out with the assistance of the Canadian partner of the project, the company «Nordion Inc.», - Mikhail Lavrentiev said. 

Exit of production at full capacity, he said, will allow Russia to influence the situation in the market in case of "molybdenum crisis" repeat that took place in 2009-2010. as a result of unplanned shutdowns of two main reactors of this isotope in Canada and the Netherlands.

All the actions of SC Rosatom and JSC Isotope are aimed at the stable providing of domestic needs in MO-99 and continuity of export, said Lavrentiev, stressing that the company as a market participant "watches the risk of short supply of this product. Significant increase in volume production in Russia after the preparation for commissioning in June will hedge the risks of Mo-99 supply in the Russian market, and to develop export potential, - M. Lavrentiev claimed.

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