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B. Akakiev: Market size of isotope production will rise to US $ 8 billion by 2017

The global market of isotope production will reach about US $ 8 billion by 2017 with an average annual growth rate of 10.4%.

Currently, the market is estimated at US $ 4,8 billion, where medical products are 80% of its volume. Boris Akakiev, Acting General Director of JSC Isotope presented such information, speaking at the 1st International Business Conference for producers, suppliers and consumers of isotope production. According to him, 70% of isotope production consumer market is situated in North America and Western Europe. USA is considered to be the largest consumer, accounting for 50%.

According to B. Akakiev, the most part of isotope production, manufactured by Rosatom enterprises, is exported. Russia takes the leading position in the field of radiation technologies for a variety of products, in particular, Russia is the leader in the production of cesium-137, carbon-14, americium-241. Over the past 20 years, the Russian export isotope production increased six times. As explained B. Akakiev to Nuclear.Ru, growth happened because of "not the expense of raw materials, but by high-tech products - sources of radiation." He also specified that sales volume of JSC Isotope in 2011 amounted to about 1.6 billion rubles.

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