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PET with 62Cu-ATSM, 62Cu-PTSM identifies hypoxia, perfusion in pulmonary lesions

Evaluating lung masses by visualizing hypoxia and perfusion is feasible with copper-diacetyl-bis (62Cu-ATSM) and copper-pyruvaldehyde-bis (62Cu-PTSM) PET scans, according to a study published in the November issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology. Lung cancer has the highest cancer-related mortality and is the second most common malignancy in men and women in the U.S. Most solid tumors are commonly characterized by hypoxia, which prompts resistance to treatment, enhances tumor progression, and reduces patient survival. There is current difficulty in distinguishing malignancies from false-positives, and hypoxia may be used as a potential imaging target because it is one of the signatures of malignancy.

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