Enterprise of Rosatom State Corporation
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JSC Isotope Receives Kazakhstan’s License on the Transportation of Nuclear Materials, Radioactive Substances, etc.

The Atomic Energy Committee of Kazakhstan's Ministry of Industry and New Technologies has granted a permanent State electronic license to Joint Stock Company Isotope on the Transportation, including transit, of nuclear materials, radioactive substances, radioisotope sources of ionizing radiation and radioactive waste on Kazakhstan's territory. JSC Isotope is the first foreign company that received such license from Kazakhstan's governmental institutions.

The license's acquisition is an important step in the course of developing partnership between JSC Isotope and the international oilservice company Schlumberger Logelco Inc. The latter is interested in JSC Isotope's specialized car fleet and services in organizing supplies of sealed radioactive sources that are used in devices for oil well logging. The route of the 1st transportation will be the following: Moscow - Astrakhan region (Russia) - oil and gas fields in the north-west of Kazakhstan - Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area (Russia) - Krasnoyarsk region (Russia).

It should be stressed that the license includes a reference to transit transportation through Kazakhstan's territory. Thus, JSC Isotope gets an opportunity to organize supplies to Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. The company is planning to supply these countries with radioisotope products for medical, scientific and industrial purposes.

Moreover, JSC Isotope is going to develop cooperation with China through the Khorgos International Centre of Boundary Cooperation (ICBC) that is being constructed along the Chinese- Kazakh state border (on Kazakhstan's side in Panfilov District of Almaty Province). ICBC Khorgos will include a transport and logistics centre consisting of 12 big terminals through which radioisotope products of ROSATOM State Corporation's manufacturing enterprises will be transferred to China.

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