Isotope JSC took part in the international Nuclear Trade and Technology Exchange (NT2E) conference
ROSATOM took part in the international online conference Nuclear Trade and Technology Exchange (NT2E), organized by the Brazilian Association for the Development of Nuclear Activities (ABDAN) on July 27-29, 2021.
NT2E is one of the key events for the Brazilian nuclear sector in 2021. It was attended by the main stakeholders of the national and global nuclear industry, such as Director General of the IAEA Rafael Grossi, Deputy Director General and Head of the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy Mikhail Chudakov, Director General of the World Nuclear Association Sama Bilbao-i-Leon, President and Director General of the Institute of Nuclear Energy Minister Maria Korsnik, Permanent Representative of Brazil to the IAEA Carlos Duarte.
The Brazilian nuclear sector was represented by the Minister of Mines and Energy of Brazil Bento Albuquerque, the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN), the Brazilian development bank BNDES, the president of the Brazilian nuclear power plant operator Eletronuclear Leonam Dos Santos Guimaraes, representatives of the Brazilian Navy and the Energy Research Company Brazil (EPE), Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil (INB) and Furnas.
In addition, the event was attended by the main companies of the world nuclear market, in particular, ROSATOM, Argentine CONUAR and INVAP, the American-Japanese alliance GE Hitachi, the American Westinghouse, French EDF and Framatome and others.
ROSATOM State Corporation was the most widely represented at the event. Ivan Dybov, President of the ROSATOM Latin America Regional Center, made a welcoming speech at the NT2E opening ceremony as a representative of ROSATOM and Vice President of ABDAN, and also took part in a live debate on the choice of NPP sites.
"I am very grateful to the organizers of the Nuclear Trade & Technology Exchange conference for touching upon various fields of application of nuclear technologies: in addition to energy, radiation technologies, nuclear medicine and many other topics were discussed within the panels and round tables. This is especially important now, in the difficult period of the COVID-19 pandemic, when nuclear technology has once again demonstrated how useful they can be not only for generating energy, but also for other equally important areas of life. For example, in 2020 and 2021, radiation treatment was actively used to sterilize medical devices, which made it possible to save the lives and health of millions of people around the world, "said Ivan Dybov.
Also, the NT2E webinar was attended by Artem Larionov, Chief Specialist of the Product Marketing Department of Rusatom Overseas, Director of the ITSO Project Office of Rusatom Healthcare JSC Airat Akhmetshin, Project Manager of Rusatom Healthcare JSC Daria Donetskaya, Deputy Director of the Isotope Products Sales Department of Isotope JSC Maxim Pozdyshev, vice director of the regional center "Rosatom Latin America" Ruan Nunes.
Various aspects and types of nuclear technologies were discussed within the framework of round tables and panel sessions NT2E, in particular, nuclear power plants of high and low power, handling spent nuclear fuel, uranium mining and nuclear fuel production, propulsive nuclear installations, radiation technologies, nuclear medicine.